Well, I appear to have flu. And, in a borough of London that has a high Swine Flu count, there is the possibility that I too have become one of the many statistics they quote on the news. I think the last time I became a statistic was when I was unemployed years ago.
Anyway, I have to stay at home, to reduce the risk of spreading the disease. And I may be receiving a swab kit in the post so I can be checked out. Only maybe however, they don't have enough to send to every body with possible symptoms.
And so, one of my all time favourite bands reforms and plays a gig in London, and I can't go.
Damn it.
So if I can't go out then I'm going to throw open the windows and turn up the music. A classic little Northern Soul tune, that as far as I'm aware isn't available anywhere right now; full of summer. Enjoy!
Ginger Thompson - Boy Watcher
Something Good
1 day ago
should you be opening windows ? can germs attach themselves to joyous northern foot stompers ?
get well soon dearie.
Be glad you got it now.
I work in clinical research and a Dr was telling me the other day that this is the best time to get it when it's mild come Oct/Nov you really don't want to get it.
WV - tonalyis, do you think the compute is having a go at a diagnosis?
Thanks anon!
Sorry for your snotty snout tribulations Simon.
Shoulda played Cracklin' Rosie.
Ouch - when will I ever loin?
Get well soon.
PS: Many apologies for my piss-poor efforts at cheering you up.
I hope it's not (gulp).....MAN FLU??!!!??
That is my worry too, that it's only man flu.
I have been advised to stay off work though. For at least a week. Work's current policy dictates the same.
Aww, but just think of all the time you'll have to listen to music :) xoxo
So, was it swine flu? Are you better?
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